Weaving the Cosmos
Learn the Art of Hexagonal Weave Basketry:
Learn the Art of Hexagonal Weave Basketry with Daniel Docherty
Hexagonal weave is a beautiful basketry technique that once mastered, offers an abundance of basketry possibilities. Participants will be introduced to the sacred nature of the art form before learning about the materials and tools involved.
No previous experience is required. Hexagonal-weave basketry can prove challenging and depending on the scale of project undertaken, baskets may need to be completed at home.
Spherical Basketry: Weaving an Icosidodecahedron:
A circle divides itself perfectly into six by its own radius. In 3D six ‘strands’ can be woven into six interlocking circles to create an Icosidodecahedron (!) – a form with 12 pentagons and 20 equilateral triangles that encapsulates the intrinsic relationship between Dodecahedron and Icosahedron. Time and interest allowing, and we will weave some of these special spherical forms …
Event Details:
Accommodation and meals:
Emerson College
Emerson College, Hartfield Road