Trance Dance Explorations  the magic

Trance Dance Explorations the magic

A weekend of Dance with Leo Rutherford, Ruth, Paul and James

Ritual trance journeys have been a vital part of shamanic cultures for thousands of years. Our contemporary approach to Trance-Dance brings together the richness of these ancient rituals with effective modern techniques. Through Trance-Dancing we disappear into spirit, detaching from ordinary reality, able to see past everyday issues and challenges, to deeper patterns. Shamans know that all dis-ease originates in the energy matrix of our being and “travel” to the source to effect healing. For many of us these patterns can lie deeply hidden yet affecting us on every level. Through these methods participants enter parallel realities where hidden patterns can be experienced and solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems may be accessed.

Ecstatic dancers have re-discovered what shamans have known for millennia—the right combination of rhythm and intention can carry you into an altered state of consciousness. Shamanic Trance Dance creates a rich and powerful tapestry of rhythms for dance, journeying, breathwork, movement.

Shamanic Trance dance is an age old tool using repetitive beats and movement to reach an increased state of consciousness. Using a blindfold to cut of our outer sight, it creates an opportunity to drop into our inner landscape. This often induces a visionary state which has the capacity to give insights and healing.

This is an opportunity to really dive inside yourself. To unite your inner masculine and feminine energies/lovers into ONE. All external distractions are taken away as we block our sense of sight and tune into our soul essence. As we align ourselves with the intuitive heart we see all the colours and fragrances of our inner landscape, discovering that every other person in our life is a mirror image of us.

A wide range of emotions may arise for witnessing: Laughter, anger, sadness, joy, grief, love, rage, compassion, jealousy, all just waiting to be embraced, accepted and loved by you. This simple act of compassion for self enables you to realise deeply, that all along you have been OK and really have nothing to fear in your life as it is in perfect flow. You may also receive guidance from your intuition/ Higher Self/ Spirit/ God/ Fairy realms/ Angelic realms/Animal kingdom.

Each dance gives you the opportunity to dive a little deeper into discovering in yourself the healer that lies within. Whether you are presented with physical, emotional, mental or spiritual questions/ limitations, this dance can cut through the surface drama and retrieve the seed of your own power, love and wisdom

Live Music:

We work with live music. I have found a big difference when the makers of the music are directly in touch with the dancers and can respond to the movements of energy as they happen, enabling deeper and deeper states of trance to happen. This is a gateway to moments of real magic!

Emerson College, Eurythmy Hall

Further details:
Leo Rutherford –, 01435 813508 / 07714-333989

Bring: Dancing shoes or feet! Food for shared lunch and wear loose, comfortable clothing. Ideally also (if you can) bring a cushion and blanket.

Ruth Humming Ford – & 07961504243

For weekend: £185 supported, £225 standard, £250 gifting.

Deposit of £60
BACS: Ruth Ford – 59568986 / 60-83-71 / (Ref- Emerson)

Event Details:
21 Oct 2023 - 22 Oct 2023
Saturday - Sunday
10:00 Start
18:00 End 

Course Price: £185 supported, £225 standard, £250 gifting.

Accommodation and meals:
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Detailed Timings:

Saturday 21st Oct. 2023 – 10am – 6pm Sunday 22nd Oct. 2023 – 10am – 5pm

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