The Point is Love
A three-day celebration of Story, Poetry and Pattern with Ashley Ramsden and Daniel Docherty
Sacred Geometry starts and ends in a point. The point is the axis of everything and from this we set out, to this we return. The great mystics would say the same of Love. Take Rumi “Everything has to do with loving and not loving.” or Eliot “The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time.” Is Love a pattern, or many patterns, or all patterns?
Come play, draw and enjoy the matrix and mixture of masculine and feminine forms, the places where poetry, story and sacred geometry meet, perhaps even the point of our existence
Event Details:
Accommodation and meals:
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This cohort has started. If you are a participant on this course and would like to: Book meals and accommodation at Emerson College for this...
4 weekends of in-depth exploration of the magical and transformative art of telling personal true-life stories. Our life is a unique story, a true Once...
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Emerson College
Emerson College, Hartfield Road