Speaking to the Stars – Summer Conference for Members and Friends of the ASinGB
The following verse, so pertinent for our times, was given by Rudolf Steiner to Marie Steiner on 25th December 1922:
The stars spoke once to man.
It is world destiny that they are silent now;
To be aware of the silence
Can become pain for earthly man.
But in the deepening silence
There grows and ripens
What man speaks to the stars;
To be aware of the speaking
Can become strength for spirit man.
These words are the inspiration and leitmotif for this year’s Summer Conference. How can we engage more actively with the cosmos – the stars and planets and the spiritual powers that stand behind them? How do we nurture that space in the deepening silence where what we can speak to the stars can “grow and ripen”? And what is it that we can ‘speak to the stars’ that would be of significance for them? We will also explore how through this new consciousness and the ‘strength’ that flows from it new ways of meeting one another and re-building community can be found.
An integral part of this year’s conference will be the performance of the ‘Cosmic Verses’ by a group of eurythmists from all over the country who will be guiding us through participatory exercises in preparation for a performance on Sunday 4th August, in the theatre at Michael Hall School.
Speakers at this year’s conference will include John Meeks, Sarah Kane, Adrian Locher and Tom Ravetz. Additionally, Christopher Marcus will be guiding us through the Six Supplementary Exercises over three days and there will be artistic and experiential workshops in Eurythmy, Painting, Creative Writing, Speech and Exploring the World of Plants.
Louise Sollars will take the theme further through an evening of storytelling and John Meeks will take us on a guided walk to do some star gazing (weather permitting of course!)
Booking Information
Conference Fee £140.
All bookings online via Emerson College at https://calendar.emerson.org.uk/ If you would like a hard copy of the booking form, please call Emerson at 01342 822238.
You can book by clicking on the Book Stay to either book accommodation with conference fee, or meals with conference fee. To book conference only or a twin rooms, please send an email to bookings@emerson.org.uk.
A limited number of bursaries are available from the Society for those who need help with the conference fee. Please apply to Antoinette Reynolds by email: antoinetteservrey@gmail.com, before booking through Emerson.
Antoinette Reynolds and Adrian Locher
ASGB conference organisers
Event Details:
Accommodation and meals:
Detailed Timings:
Registration on 1st August is 4.30pm. Course periods: 8.30am till 10pm. 5th August ends at 12.45pm
Emerson College
Emerson College, Hartfield Road