Sacred Geometry of Chartres
with Daniel Docherty
Join Daniel Docherty for A Day Delving into the Geometry of Chartres Cathedral
The Geometry of Chartres Cathedral
In this in-person, interactive talk and seminar at the Keith Critchlow Study Space (which is located at Emerson College in Forest Row, East Sussex, UK), Daniel Docherty will guide you through the historical story of Chartres with a talk and practical geometry session too.
Open your heart and mind to the wonder of this magnificent Cathedral, where you will have an opportunity to journey from the seen to the unseen world by learning and understanding the under-pinning geometry that formed this magnificent work of art.
Starting with a wander through the ancient pre-Christian roots, to Druidic Black Madonna on to Fulbertus’ Cathedral.
Learn how Chartres Cathedral connects to our current times where there’s been a severing and humanity has lost many connections to the subtle dimensions.
This sacred place still remains a source of revelation and inspiration.
The wisdom school of Chartres, underpinned by the seven liberal arts, made a conscious effort to reconcile the ancient Pythagorean/Platonic stream with Christian mystery teachings through the inspiration of luminaries such as Bernardus Silvestris,Thierry of Chartres, John of Salisbury and Alanus ab Insulis.
Chartres Cathedral was a huge inspiration for Keith Critchlow and he dedicated much of his time to studying and researching the Geometry and meaning of Chartres Cathedral, relating this knowledge to current times.
During these 2 days, Daniel will be referring to as of yet, unseen and unpublished works by Keith Critchlow on Chartres, held directly in the Keith Critchlow Legacy Library & Study space (where this day will take place).
Daniel studied closely with Keith and throughout this day you will have an opportunity to understand and explore Chartres Cathedral and it’s Geometry from 2 magical minds, exploring the Geometry of the Rose Window, to the magic of the Arch Designs within Chartres Cathedral, and discovering how the practice of Sacred Geometry was used in the design and construction of this Building.
Understand the meaning and symbolism as well as turning your hand to the practical element of Geometry relating to this majestic place of worship.
This day is open to all and for all levels, no previous experience is necessary.
Organised by:
Daniel Docherty
Organiser: SAOG Studios School Of Sacred Geometry
Event Details:
Course Price: £180