Finding Joy and Aliveness in Chaotic Times
with John Watters & Jackie Thoms
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Howard Thurman
We are living in chaotic times, with multiple, urgent, complex challenges in almost every domain. We have lost trust in many of our institutions and institutional leaders. We have forgotten our deeper connection to who we are and our place in the living world. It’s understandable to sometimes feel discouraged and disheartened, perhaps even overwhelmed at times.
Yet if we give ourselves the space to listen deeply, beneath the din of clamorous voices, beyond our feverish reactivity, we may hear that we are being quietly called to a radical (meaning root) response. Sensing the roots of who we are, requires us to pause from the repetitive action of our everyday lives, soften our focus and allow our attention to be drawn in different directions. We connect anew with the source and the ground of what brings us life. It’s then that joy and aliveness naturally arise. And as Howard Thurman reminds us the ‘world needs people who have come alive’.
Join us on this Circle of Trust® weekend retreat as we take a radical step to pause, and renew our sense of joy and aliveness.
Event Details:
Accommodation and meals:
Detailed Timings:
12.30pm, Friday 29 September – 12.45pm, Sunday 1 October 2023